Monday, January 16, 2012

Sometimes it doesn't take intense pondering, or analyzing a difficult book to come up with something profound to say.
 Sometimes all it takes is recognizing your surroundings and appreciating the world. 
I was sitting in the car with my best friend-- me, at my most relaxed state of mind. 

Looking down a street of strategically planted trees I realized that in some crazy, twisted way we are the human trees of our world. Just as a tree's thick rooted bark keeps it grounded, carries its food, is strong enough to hold the whole rest of the tree and its branches, our core does that for us. Our soul, and our core is our strength-- it keeps us grounded and stable allowing us to endure everything else that comes our way. Each branch is a new problem, struggle, obstacle, challenge-- something we must endure, and each new leaf we must support are the rewards, lessons, results, and consequences that come of our happenings.