Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Shout out to the most amazing parents any one could ask for.
 My life would be lost without their guidance, support, and love. 

Shout out to Israel's 64th Birthday. Yom Ha'Atzmaut: Israel's Independence day
Almost two years ago today marching through death camps with thousands of other Jewish people in Poland and Israel. 

(((Awake my Soul - Mumford and Sons)))

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

What are we without passion? Who are we without passion? Where are we going without passion? Wait.. what is passion?
Passion is heart and soul. Passion is the opposite of apathy. Passion is drive, motivation, desire.
No great accomplishment is made without passion. Nothing happens without passion. From love, to obtaining the best education, to our careers-- none of that would happen successfully without a burning desire to achieve it.
No great M.D./PhD. goes through 10+ years of schooling, Medical School, Residency, and sleepless nights without a passion for medicine.
No great athlete practices for hours day after day without a passion for the adrenaline that their sport releases for them.
No great human being lives without passion-- why live without an enthusiasm for life?
Be passionate for someone- or at the least something.
Feel that fire at your core burning for someone, that strong emotion that overpowers all other emotions, that keeps you going day after day.
Feel that emotion that Adele feels when she sings Turning Tables, or Florence + The Machine feels when she sings You Got The Love, or Kate Nash feels when she sings The Nicest Things-- that emotion we feel, that passion and soul we see protruding out of their voices.
Feel that for someone.
Believe in that love.
Want that passion.
Have that passion.
Create that passion-- and run with it.

Song of the Day: 
The End - Kings of Leon

Quote of the Day:
"It took me nearly a year to get here. It wasn't so hard to cross that street after all, it all depends on who's waiting for you on the other side."

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Song of the Day:
(((Near To You - Fine Frenzy)))

Objects of Desire: