Happy Sunday readers.. let's take a moment and set our goals for the upcoming week. Tomorrow is not only the beginning of a new day but also a new week. Let's set the mood for our goals and intentions.
For the past week I have been reading a book called "You Can Heal Your Life" by Louise Hay and it has been allowing me to recenter myself and embrace the physical world with positivity and love.. a healing touch.
One of my favorite passages from this past week is:
In the infinity of life where I am,
all is perfect, whole and complete.
I believe in a power far greater than I am that flows
through me every moment of every day.
I open myself to the wisdom within,
knowing that there is only One Intelligence
in tis Universe. Out of this One Intelligence
comes all the answers, all the solutions,
all the healings, all the new creations.
I trust this Power and Intelligence,
knowing that whatever I need to know is revealed to me
and that whatever I need comes to me
in the right time, space, and sequence.
All is well in my world
This passage allows me to find peace; it allows me to take my hands out of my own life and hand it over to a higher being that already has a path for me. It allows me to believe that I already am exactly where I am supposed to be, and if things were actually supposed to be different they would be.
This week I am moving from LA back to Santa Barbara for school with about three weeks before school actually starts. I am not going through a completely new change, although things will be different this time around-- new roommates, new classes, and new surroundings and experiences. But I am setting a positive and uplifting mood, I am creating acceptance within my world and opening my arms wide with an embracing heart. My goals are to have a productive week as I get my life reorganized in Santa Barbara. I intend on creating strong, meaningful relationships in SB, while I reconnect with the ones I have already created. I intend on leaving the people I love and care for in LA on positive note. I will make the choice to take care of my own emotions and feelings during this changing time in my life. I am excited and ready to tackle this week!
Quote of the Day:
"You thought you were being rejected from something good, but in fact you were being redirected to something better."