Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Thought-provoking Tuesdays:

We live in a world where people don't typically pay attention to the changes we undergo because human nature has allowed us to be absorbed in our own worlds first. We instead judge who people have become based on their new surroundings, environment, new clothes, and new appearances; we forget that they may have adapted to that new way of life without changing the core of who they really are. We see them in  new light, making different decisions based on what we think are different morals, standards, and values. We, as people, have a hard time looking at others, and taking a moment to think that they may be leading a different life than what we see on the outside. We want to make assumptions and create a story that fits what we think is happening in order to validate our feelings. And when that person comes along in our lives that does observe our superficial changes; it may be too hard for them to understand that the essence of who we are hasn't changed- that it may really just be the environment we have adapted to. Our clothes, drinking habits, life choices, and the car we drive may sometimes be an indication of who we are, but more often than not, they are not aligned with who we are at core, and who we want to be. We strive to meet the expectations of those around us, and that may mean that we live up to higher standards with people who expect more from us. We meet people that bring the best aspects of our personalities to life and exist to keep us afloat-- to keep us living to our highest potential. People don't really change-- they grow, experience, adapt, and sometimes make mistakes. The essence of who we are and what makes each of us unique is a constant part of our personalities. We may travel the world, use Celsius instead of degrees Fahrenheit to tell the weather, learn different languages, begin to cook on our own, wear button-downs instead of T-shirts, dye our hair, and acquire different habits-- but who we are deep down, without the world altering our appearance, the type of people we are drawn to, the people we love, our morals and values stay the same.  Only those who connect with us on a deep level will be able to see that those superficial changes are only differences on the surface and not who we are, and will always be deep down.

Quote of the Day: 
A friend posted this on Facebook and I couldn't help but share it and comment about it!

"People paint this image of you and when their picture doesn't align they become angry and you become a fraud"

>Sometimes people's paintings have been accurate all along, and they just have a new perspective of that image. It may be that you aren't a fraud, and they just feel failed. 

Song of the Day: 
[[ Whatever it Takes - Lifehouse ]]

Shout out to the one and only: I'm sorry.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Monday's Madness
Let's end our long President's Day weekend with a moment where we set our intentions for the week. We will have a positive and productive week readers, where we remember to take care of ourselves each day within the madness of our lives!

Song of the Day: 
     [[ Clarity - Zedd ]]


Hot dive into frozen waves where the past comes back to life
If I fear for the selfish pain, it was worth it every time
Hold still right before we crash cause we both know how it ends
A clock ticks ‘till it breaks your glass and I drown in you again
Cause you are the piece of me I wish I didn’t need
Chasing relentlessly, stick fight and I don’t know why
If our love is tragedy, why are you my remedy?
If our love’s insanity, why are you my clarity
If our love is tragedy, why are you my remedy?
If our love’s insanity, why are you my clarity
Walk on through a red parade and refuse to make amends
It cuts deep through our ground and makes us forget all common sense
Don’t speak as I try to leave cause we both know what we’ll choose
If you pulled and I push too deep then I’ll fall right back to you
Cause you are the piece of me I wish I didn’t need
Chasing relentlessly, stick fight and I don’t know why
If our love is tragedy, why are you my remedy?
If our love’s insanity, why are you my clarity
Why are you my clarity?
Why are you my remedy?
Why are you my clarity?
Why are you my remedy?
If our love is tragedy, why are you my remedy?
If our love’s insanity, why are you my clarity?

Drink of the Day: 
     [[ Coffee Bean's Iced Hazelnut Latte ]]

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Happy Hump Day readers!! 
It's almost Valentine's Day.. the pressure is on couples, make this a special one!! For those single ladies out there, find the love you have for yourself and make it an equally special day!!

Quote of the Day: 
"If only we could see the endless string of consequences that result from our smallest actions. But we can't know better until knowing better is useless."

Song of the Day:
[[[[Stay - Rihanna ft. Mikky Ekko]]]]

Fav of the Day: 

Monday, February 11, 2013

I hate that feeling of being alone.
The one where you realize that the person you could share you deepest and most darkest thoughts, is further away than you could ever have possibly imagined.
The feeling that you both have somehow managed to grow apart, and that feeling of loss.
The feeling of knowing that deep down there is no longer anything for you with them, you've gotten everything you could from your relationship together.
The feeling of missing them, even though they're right there, on the phone with them.
That sparkle you once felt, now replaced with that of a heart wrenchingly , blank, nothing.
Although visibly close, you're now so very separate, you've changed.
I loved for you, but all along, I was hoping this wasn't it.
Who are you. We've lost it. You've lost me.
You've lost it.

Yes, the 55th Annual #Grammys were amazing to say the least. While the opening was quite disappointing with T.Swift attempting a Lady Gaga performance, Jay-Z and JT saved the show, and made quite a comeback!! Let's not forget the Marley Tribute and Rihanna's stunning performance, and who are we kidding, Frank Ocean received his first Grammy!! Miguel and Wiz, you gave a breathtaking performance, and thanks for hosting LL but really, you could have spared a few moments of your bio there. Let's be real though, nothing tops Beyonce's half-time show at the 47th Super Bowl.