Friday, April 26, 2013

Quote of the Day: 
"The beginning of love is the will to let those we love be perfectly themselves, the resolution not to twist them to fit our own image. If in loving them we do not love what they are, but only their potential likeness to ourselves, then we do not love them: we only love the reflection of ourselves we find in them." - Thomas Merton

Song of the Day: 
[[[ Follow the Sun - Xavier Rudd ]]]

Yes, many tragic, traumatizing  and unsettling  events have occurred this month, but the death of François Jacob was not one of them.  This is not to say that his death was not sad or unfortunate, but more that he lived a full life, dying at the age of 92 on April 19th and leaving a great legacy. He was a French war hero whose combat wounds forced him to change his career path from surgeon to scientist, a pursuit that led to a Nobel Prize in 1965 for his role in discovering how genes are regulated and how traits are inherited. The New York Times wrote an article upon his death and quoted,""What intrigues me in my life is: How did I come to be what I am?" he wrote in his 1988 autobiography, "The Statue Within." "How did this person develop, this whom I rediscover each morning and to whom I must accomodate myself to the end?""

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Horoscope of the Day LIBRAS:
Things have changed more than you realize with a friend or loved one. Even if you have seen this person from time to time, you haven't been in touch enough to recognize the changes at hand. So if this individual - or your relationship - seems different, this could be the reason. Be open to learning what's new, and try to recognize how this person has evolved. Although it may take some getting used to, the new state of affairs could actually help to enhance an already good relationship.

Monday, April 15, 2013

My heart goes out to Boston <3 #prayforBoston 

Quote of the Day: "Don't ask what's wrong with the world when one individual does such a thing. Rather, relish in the fact that dozens ran TO the blast immediately after. That's what's right with the world."

Dessert of the Day:
{My roommates and I made Nutella Dumplings this weekend}
#foodporn #HersheysCarmelSyrup #strawberries #nutellashower #iliveinparadise

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Surprise! Surprise!

Apparently we are in for a surprise Libras!

Daily Horoscope: 
There once was a backyard gardner who loved apples. This gardner only had a small backyard, though, and only had room left for one fruit tree. But he loved many apple varieties equally. It was a  hard choice.. would he plant Granny Smith, McIntosh, or Golden Delicious? He finally settled on one.  And as time went on, he looked forward to his first harvest. Finally the buds appeared, and he knew he'd reap a wonderful crop of apples. When the apples formed, he saw that he had all three varieties on his tree! Turns out he had inadvertently chosen a grafted tree, which produced his favorite varieties. You wil have a similar surprise soon, Libra, from a limited choice you made.

Quote of the Day: 
"Happiness often sneaks in through a door you didn't know you left open." - John Barrymore

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Throwback Thursday

Throwback to a highlight in my life.. Prom!
Everyone says prom is so overrated, but it was everything I wanted!!

Quote of the Day: 
"You're lucky enough to BE, make your being count."