"Truly Madly Deeply"-Savage Garden
Rules to Live by:
1. "He will change" is a myth.. stop planning on it.
2. Exercise. Is. Essential
3. Life encompasses so much more than what shows up on your Facebook Newsfeed.
4. If he really wants you, he will make it happen.. if he's not trying, its not real.
5. Take time to yourself daily and self-reflect.
6. 3AM calls are always worth it.. no matter what you have going on the next day.
7. Over-prepare, then go with the flow.
8. JUST DO IT.. instead of talking about something you want to do or need to do, shutup and do it- it might actually get done.
9. Always having your guard up is understandable to some, but letting that barrier down at times brings emotions out that may not have been a reality up until that moment. It is okay to feel. Its only human.
10. Step out of your comfort-zone at least once a day.
11. Allow yourself to be vulnerable.
12. Find something to fight for.
13. Don't take it too seriously, laugh it off, and let it go.
14. The less you reveal, the more people wonder..
15. Find the miracles in every normal day.
16. Be the SMILE that makes life a little easier for someone.
17. When it comes down to it, we all just want to be loved.
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