Sunday, December 25, 2011

Random Tid-Bits of the Day

A: So not fun and unfair to you.
B: He pulled the line again. He's exactly the same as all the others. He said, "I'm different." They all say that, which makes them the same assholes as every other guy. If he was really different, he wouldn't feel the need to say it-- he would prove it with his actions.
             Let's make something clear boys. You are not different if you don't want to be in a relationship, but also don't want to admit that you're either a random one time hookup or a fuck-buddy.

Someone once said that boys fall for girls first physically, then emotionally fall in love with them; and that girls fall in love first and then become physically attracted to the other person.. I didn't realize how true that was until just recently.

I miss playing the "this or that" game, where we could get to know each other that much easier in an entertaining manner.

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