Wednesday, October 10, 2012

I can't believe it’s been about a month since I've written. Sure I've missed it, and it has felt like a few weeks, but a month? Well, time does have a way of catching up with us- with our busy lives. 

Lately I have come across a handful of articles about being a "20-something" year old. I don't know if my eye has been on it since I will be 20 years old on Monday, the 15th, or if there has been an influx of people writing about this unique time in our lives. So, it brought me to write my own thoughts- how to be a 20-something year old, why being in your 20s is amazing, what I've learned until now in these 20 years and how this transition, above all others, is an overwhelming change in our lives. 

It’s a time in our lives when we learn to work hard and in all honesty player harder.
It’s a time in our lives where we get to carve out the life we want for ourselves. 
I’ve learned that it’s a time in our lives where we actually experience betrayal, addiction, dishonesty, and all the forms of behavior that hurt you.
It’s a time in our lives when we can work at a coffee shop and still feel hopeful about our careers in PR, medicine, whatever.
It’s a time in our lives where we can meet our soul mate and fall deeply in love, but also a time in our lives where we can date someone we know we’ll never be able to love.
I’ve learned it’s a time in our lives where we get to make a mark on the world. Make a stain that we existed and our youthful 20s were amazing—or just make something.
It’s a transition from adolescence and teenage drama, into a decade where we enter and exit college, enter the real world where excuses of “I’m too hung over to come in to work today” just don’t cut it anymore, a time in our lives where we start with a lot of friends and leave with a few good ones, and a time in our lives where we go from acting like children to thinking of having our own children. 
It’s a liberating time in our lives. We are free. 
It’s a time in our lives where we think we know everything, but in fact, we don’t even know ourselves. We feel stuck, but we aren’t. We’re moving forward. We are changing. We are moving to different cities, and experiencing different countries and trying things we never knew existed before our 20s. 
It’s the time in our lives that will be remember for the nights we spent hours putting make up on, changing three million times, waking up with 5AM hangovers, smoking out our apartment window, cramming for midterms, and taking Adderall to make that paper deadline. It’s a time we will miss, and a time of luxury. It’s time where all these silly nights will be completely justified because “we were 20.”
“You should love every single moment of this hot mess of a decade. Chances are you’ll miss it before you even get to say I’m 30.” –Ryan O’Connell

And as always....
Drink of the Day: 

Song of the Day: 

[[[Shattered - O.A.R]]]

Quote of the Day:
"Right now is the oldest you've ever been and the youngest you'll ever be."

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