Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Wise Wednesday

 Practice tolerance. 
Tolerate our quirks, our feelings, our reactions, our peculiarities, our humanness.
Tolerate our ups and downs, our resistance to change, our struggling and sometimes awkward nature.
Tolerate our need to occasionally feel superior, to sometimes feel ashamed, and to occasionally share love as an equal. Tolerate the way we progress-- a few steps forward, and a couple back.
Tolerate our instinctive desire to control and how we reluctantly learn to practice detachment.  Tolerate the way we say we want love, and then sometimes push others away.  Tolerate our tendency to get obsessive, forget to trust God, and occasionally get stuck.  All the humanness we're tolerating is what makes ourselves and others beautiful.

I came across this quote today and I really love it. Read it, think about it, and share your thoughts on it!
"Having perfected our disguise, we spend our lives searching for someone we don't fool." - Robert Brault

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Take this in today: 

One thing at a time.
That's all we have to do. Not two things at once, but one thing done in peace. 
One task at a time. One feeling at a time. One problem at a time. One step at a time. 
One pleasure at a time. 
Relax. Let go of urgency. Begin calmly now. Take one thing at a time.
See how everything works out?

I'm going to leave you with just this, readers. Have a relaxing Saturday!! <3

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Good afternoon lovely readers,

We all have those days when we need a pick-me-up, some extra hugs and sweet words, or even one more smile for the day.  The start of this week has been rather difficult for me so I've decided to share some wise words focusing on spreading good energy in hopes to share the love and pass on a smile.  I want to be able to provide that little something extra to the next person, don't you?! I have selected some quotes and things that I feel will allow you to reflect on yourself and even perhaps allow you to challenge yourself this week.
"Its entirely possible to create something out of nothing but you must BELIEVE it can be done. You will meet many that will tell you otherwise. on't let anyone or anything dissuade you from this truth. In the end, the only thing that really matters is you doing it because you know without a shadow of a doubt this is what you are supposed to be doing. The rest will work itself out. "

Remember two things:
  • Take care of your thoughts when you are alone
  • Take care of your words when you are with people

Don't forget, tomorrow is Hump Day and it only, always gets better from here! Challenge yourself to live this week with positive energy spreading kindness to those around you and embedding faith within every step you take!

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Happy Saturday readers!! I hope everyone has had a lovely week and is enjoying this great weekend; I know I did! Today was my second day of Sorority Recruitment at Chapman University and it was Philanthropy Day-- soo much fun!!! I've met some really great women who are so passionate in their foundations and the work they do giving back to the local and national community!!

On a completely separate note, I wanted to share a piece of writing that I absolutely LOVE. Yes, it is pretty deep, but it can have many interpretations!!


My husband gives me an A

for last night's supper,
an incomplete for my ironing,
a B plus in bed.
My son says I am average,
an average mother, but if
I put my mind to it
I could improve.
My daughter believes
in Pass/Fail and tells me
I pass.  Wait 'til they learn
I'm dropping out. -Linda Pastan 

Let me know what your interpretations of this piece is! What does "dropping out" mean to you? Or even, share your favorite piece of writing!! 

Song of the Day:
[[[[[[[[Avicci - Wake Me Up]]]]]]]]
Also, I have to say it was a pleasing surprise to hear that Avicci has officially gone country!! I definitely LOVE LOVE LOVE this song!! 

I hope you all have an amazing Sunday as you get ready for the upcoming week!!