Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Wise Wednesday

 Practice tolerance. 
Tolerate our quirks, our feelings, our reactions, our peculiarities, our humanness.
Tolerate our ups and downs, our resistance to change, our struggling and sometimes awkward nature.
Tolerate our need to occasionally feel superior, to sometimes feel ashamed, and to occasionally share love as an equal. Tolerate the way we progress-- a few steps forward, and a couple back.
Tolerate our instinctive desire to control and how we reluctantly learn to practice detachment.  Tolerate the way we say we want love, and then sometimes push others away.  Tolerate our tendency to get obsessive, forget to trust God, and occasionally get stuck.  All the humanness we're tolerating is what makes ourselves and others beautiful.

I came across this quote today and I really love it. Read it, think about it, and share your thoughts on it!
"Having perfected our disguise, we spend our lives searching for someone we don't fool." - Robert Brault

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