Tuesday, October 1, 2013

October has officially begun!!

The start of October always signifies so many things for me. It reminds me that I am in my last few months of this year, makes me feel just a little more relieved about my school work because the break is coming soon enough, it gets me excited for the holiday season, and most of all it's officially Libra season. Now I know, it has been Libra season since September 23rd, but when October hits, its OFFICIALLY Libra season.  By now, my avid readers know that I am a sucker for birthdays, I love celebrating other people's birthdays and I relish in the entire month of October for my own birthday! Not only is it the start of my favorite drinks at Coffee Bean, my favorite fall leaves, and the crisp cold, but it's also an influx in pumpkin as an ingredient-- which I LOVE!!

Yesterday I got ready for this month with an amazing Pumpkin Spice Latte from Starbucks:
and today I was able to officially begin my birthday wish list, which I will be posting by the end of the week!! 

To all my Libras, here is some horoscope lovin'
"Many Librans would make excellent psychologists. That's because- being a naturally fair and balanced individual- you are able to see all angles of any situation. This gift allows you to understand what motivates others... what makes them tick. You may soon come face-to-face with an individual who is rather hard to figure out. This person might be causing a ruckus in some important situation that involved you or someone you are close to. This will be a chance to be a mediator, and to figure out the best way to arrange a meeting of the minds. It may be a challenge, but you are up to it."

And lastly, an October baby shout-out: 
Happy Birthday to the one and only heartless person I know. You visit me in Santa Barbara, bring me flowers, and even pumpkin-chocolate, but still manage to be labeled as heartless. I've known you for too long now, and its been a trip seeing how much you've grown up since the 5th grade! You're still goofy and crazy as ever, but who knew that by 22 you'd be soo smart! You helped me get through some hard days with crazy roommates which I'll never forget, and our random video chat sesss always make my day! I hope you have an amazing day and that 22 makes you slightly more humble! We definitely need to rage Libra style again to celebrate! Happy Birthday NateKay, wish you all the best and more!!

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