Monday, October 7, 2013


21? 21. 21!  Officially into "your twenties" and "your selfish years."
Well, here comes the birthday wish list...

 v Tory Burch Logo Leather wrap bracelet

 v Justin Timberlake & Pink concert tickets
 v A trip to Las Vegas and/or Miami
 v Anthropologie Gift Card 
 v Spa Day: 90-minute massage and 60-minute facial
 v Narciso Rodriguez Perfume
 v Urban Outfitter’s Phrenology Head Poster

 v Candle Diffuser with a pack of tea light candles and essential oils

 v Tory Burch Boots

 v Chanel Espadrilles

 v Dinner by the beach

 v Matte Black Ray Ban aviators

 v As many pictures printed out and put in a chronological photo album
 v Chocolate cake, with coffee ice cream with M&Ms (with those cool candles that never go out)
 v Flowers
 v Sephora Gift Card
 v Free People Gift Card
 v Soul Cycle Membership
 v Society of Chic’s Open Back Black Pearl Dress

 v Jewelry Box
 v Kitson Gift Card
     v Keurig Coffee Machine

And finally, an October Baby Shout-Out
.. to the Libra baby of the month! Noah, 1 year ago today you made me an aunt, and every day since you've been a bundle of joy! You give me a reason for being back in LA, you put a smile on my face on my worst day, and you make me love and laugh like I never thought I could.  I can't wait to watch you grow and do with  you, all the cool things your mommy did with me-- take you to the park, take you trick -o- treating, shopping, and be the cool auntie that gives you girl advice! I adore you more than words can describe, and I love you more than I ever thought was possible! I wouldn't rather share a birthday month with anyone else!  #librababy <3 I love you!! Happy 1st Birthday!! 

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