Sunday, October 20, 2013

This is life, not a funeral service

Have you set your intentions for the week? Have you enjoyed a recuperating weekend preparing for the upcoming work week? Have you taken the weekend to hit "Refresh" so your week isn't as long and exhausting? If you have, you've already done way more than I have! If you haven't, here are some wise words to help put your mind at peace,  as promised!

First, turn some candles on, and light those incense. Allow your soul to calm itself, and your mind to rid itself from the never-ending stream of to-do list items that repeatedly keeps rolling through.  Take a deep breath and take it all in.  Remember to set your intentions by first choosing a mindset for a peaceful, patient and productive week.

 Remember, it's not just a mindset. We must live a life of balance. It is a lifestyle. We must live with good intention, with value for exercise and good health. We must find the importance of intimacy and sexuality.  When we remember that its not all about work, we remember to play. Be a playful being. Lighten up.

Our culture, our society is so afraid to be intimate. Society has taught us to keep our walls up.  Life doesn't have to be taken so seriously. Breathe. Exhale the restrictions you've placed on yourself. Inhale all the mysterious and playful secrets you're going to make this week.  I challenge you to do something crazy this week. Let yourself go. If something crazy is 10 calories more, 20 minutes less on the elliptical, 30 minutes late to work, actually talking to that attractive man or women in line behind you, one more drink for the week, or letting one person tear one wall down... do it! Do it this week. Do it now! 

 Get passionate. Get crazy. Let go of fear and your need to control.  Let it slip away as you dive into the river of the present moment. Don't think too hard about things. The flow is meant to be experienced. Loosen up a bit. Get dirty. Have fun. This is life, not a funeral service. Enter into it. Participate. Experiment. Take a risk. Be spontaneous. 

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