Monday, January 27, 2014

The madness of Monday... I know, the start of another work week and a crisp clean paper to begin that color coated to-do list. Okay fine, maybe that's just me.

Instead of setting our intentions today, because as all my avid readers know, Sunday's are for setting intentions for the week, we are going to talk about Healthy Habits

  • Drink water 
    • either go with the 8 cups per day theory 
    • the recommendation to drink as many ounces of water as the amount of pounds you weigh 
    • or go with my suggestion - at least 1.5L,  aim for 3L each day

  • Meditate or sit in silence for 12 minutes every single day

  • Less talking, more listening. 
    • Take interest in other people. Make a point to learn about your environment and surroundings each day. Absorb what you can learn from other people's journey.
  • Eat more fruits and vegetables 
  • Prepare your own meals 
  • Improve your posture
  • Have complaint-free days

"First we form habits, then they form us." - Jim Rohn

  • Smile more often 
    • "We may never know all the good that a simple smile can do." - Mother Teresa

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