Monday, February 10, 2014

I am most often writing about love interests, heart break, fashion trends, self improvement but rarely do I write about friendships. Today, I'm not going to write about how to get rid of that toxic person in your life but rather, I will focus on how to appreciate a healthy and happy FRIENDSHIP-- not a flirtationship, not a friendship with a past-- just a good old fashion friendship.

What characteristics do we all want in a friendship, or even what traits do we want for those around us to appreciate in our relationships? Shall we make a list-- of course, that what I do best!

  • Accept the person as they are, fully and unconditionally.
  • Don't bail on a friend when you discover they aren't who you want them to be.
  • Show honest appreciation.
  • Be genuinely happy when they receive or achieve something you truly desire.
  • Tell them the truth, no matter how difficult it may be. 
  • Help them grow as an individual with support and honesty.
  • Have an optimistic presence and a positive influence.
  • Be the friend you want to have. Live with the same morals, values, and standards of life you want to see in those closest to you. 
  • Communicate patiently and kindly, but truthfully.
Happy Monday readers. As always don't forget to set the intentions for your week.  I intend on getting my tasks and obligations done efficiently this week. I will get back on track about eating healthy, exercising, and taking the best care of myself as I can. What do you want from your week? Make it happen!

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