There's absolutely nothing in the world like
getting to a point where you feel completely comfortable with yourself.
Agreed, sometimes the defeat of being rejected, stood-up, or being
completely ignored can be heartbreaking; but what we fail to remember when our
minds start wandering is that it's not always us. It is not always
something we are lacking.
Most of us immediately start stalking activity
on Insta, persistently follow Facebook posts, and incessantly stare at our
phones waiting for that text, to confirm the hope we have in the back of our
minds about the situation. When we do finally get tired of all that superficial
madness, we start believing that we didn't actually lose something. We
eventually wake up with clarity and instead of focusing on the other person and
creating self-doubt, we start to recognize our positive attributes.
Usually, the moment we start to feel rejected
or not good enough, we fall into old habits; we allow our minds to race, trying
to figure out what went wrong. While this is what most of us do automatically--
almost innately, this the hard part. The easy part is being comfortable with
ourselves. When we succumb to ourselves, when we stop struggling with
ourselves, we allow ourselves to open up to all the greatness we possess. We
are able to give the other person the benefit of the doubt and simply accept
that their they have a reason for how things turned out or a higher power does.
This is our chance to love ourselves; this is actually when we need to love
ourselves the most.

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