Tuesday, April 8, 2014

"The pain you feel today will be the strength you feel tomorrow." - Unknown

It was one of the hardest periods of my life. It was actually the most challenging four months of my life to be exact- being the student that I am, my year begins in August and time moves forward in semesters and summer breaks or quarters and interterm sessions. I spent four months of my life dreading each mile of my drive from Beverly Hills to Orange County, each word that came out of my professors’ mouths, and each moment I had to be on campus.  I spent four months of my life merely existing without really living life, sixteen weeks of a life without passion and drive.  I spent 122 days, which actually felt like two years feeling… stuck!

It’s not often that I write about my own life… especially in first person, but I want to [preface] this piece of writing with the fact that I honestly, whole-heartedly believe that there is a great lesson to learn within my story and hopefully inspiration for the next person feeling like I did.

I wasn’t just feeling stuck. I defined myself that wayI was a stuck person, trapped in my own negativity, jammed between one poor grade and another, immovable.

It wasn’t until January that I decided to re-gain control of my life. I have always believed that when something isn’t working in our lives, we must drastically change an aspect in order for transformation to actually occur.

I had a coffee date with a very special woman today. Surprisingly, she said, “One of the most important things to remember about the industry is to listen, its to actually hear your client. Everyone wants to talk about themselves, we need to just really listen.” I grinned at the fact, electrified that I had said that exact sentence in the interview for my current job. I found myself being heard today and that in itself was inspiring. The fact that someone sat across the table from me, over coffee drinks, believing in my skill set, listening to my story was inspiring all in itself.

It’s strange to think that four months have already gone by, this time, in the blink of an eye. It’s bizarre to shut my eyes and think that four months ago, I had been stuck for four months. I was stucktrapped in the darkest hole of my life, and now? Now I’m beginning one of the most exciting, one of the scariest journeys— my career and the rest of my life. There’s nothing like the feeling of the “ball rolling.” There’s nothing like taking control of our own lives, diving headfirst passionately and giving it all we’ve got.  There’s nothing like that feeling, the one of knowing how right what we are doing feels, and then being further inspired and encouraged to continue pursuing it.

Fashion & Entertainment PR   and   Corporate Event Planning, here I come!

[Dedicated, Allison Crandall] Thank you.

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