Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Inspire & Be Inspired.

Some people need it. Some people want it. But not everyone is fortunate enough to experience it. 
The feeling when someone looks at you—in your potential, in your capabilities, in your dreams, with eyes that believe in you, is an unmatchable feeling. [[Not the kind of someone you’re in love with, like your spouse or boy/girlfriend, not the kind of someone who’s belief in you is practically innate, like a parent or sibling, and not the corny kind of someone like your teacher. The regular kind of someone who believes in you solely because it’s you]]. When someone gives you a reason to be inspired and forge forward with passion, to dive into your dreams and pursue them unapologetically, don’t let them go—don’t take them for granted.

One of the most rare aspects of humanity, but also the most beautiful character trait is for someone to be genuine. Genuinely have faith in you; genuinely want your success without benefit for themselves, genuinely wish for your happiness, even if that happiness, is happier than them.

Okay, my introduction painting of picture of how blessed I feel is done!
For those close to me, they know that I have always struggled with the accuracy in my judgment of character. I trust too soon and believe in the good of all hearts. Unfortunately, more often than not, that gets me stuck in between a rock and a hard place. When I finally came across someone worth trusting, I finally experienced that warmth in my heart, that raw, comforting awe that comes across our bodies with the chills. It almost feels nostalgic—of a time we can’t actually remember but is surely familiar, a time when we were too young to understand people’s flaws and false motives. However, it is a feeling we can recognize, one that we know we’ve felt before, but yearn for each day to reproduce. And once we meet those people, the ones who truly support your dreams unconditionally, who want nothing in return, we can settle with peace in our hearts that humanity still exists.

My person, my genuine person who lights a fire in my heart to pursue my dream, is my mentor, Allison Crandall. If it wasn’t for her, I would have given up a thousand times by now, but I keep moving forward with her thoughts flashing in my mind. Every time I feel stuck or begin to doubt myself, I know that there is someone a phone call or a text away to help me find my grounding and passion once again.

Thank you, Allison Crandall. Thank you for creating that aweing chill in my body, pure bliss every time we speak, and thank you for being the inspiration I need to follow my dream. 
#eventlife. #humanityexists. #thestruggleisreal. #mentor.

[[[I found my inspiration today]]]

[[[Shoreline Beach, Santa Barbara, California]]]

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