Sunday, April 26, 2015

Clarify your Purpose

Taking responsibility is often difficult for many of us to handle. Instead, we blame the other people, or circumstances in our lives in an effort to make ourselves feel better about the situation we are in.  We blame professors for having a low GPA, stingy employers and the government for being broke, parents for our 'daddy-issues' and 'momma's-boy-syndrome', and our significant others for our unhappiness. We blame our ex-boyfriend/girlfriends for ruining our lives, for the reason why we haven't moved on yet, for making it too hard to trust the next person that comes along, for our drinking problems and insomnia, and even for our bad habits. We blame our present boyfriend/girlfriend for the endless cycle of dysfunctional love we may be in, for not feeling appreciated enough or good enough, and for not taking care of ourselves.

In this way, we give the power, and more often than not, the satisfaction to that person for being prevalent enough to control so many aspects of our emotional selves. Instead, what if we woke up one morning and took that power back?. What if we looked in the mirror and placed responsibility -- not blame, on ourselves?. And in that moment, what if we suddenly discovered that we are the one person holding us back?. Perhaps a striking thought that we are what needs to change-- to trust more freely, to raise our GPA, to find healthy love, and even to move on from a past experience.

I know, grasping the idea of this discovery within ourselves, or even attempting to fathom how accepting this idea could alter our lives, makes it harder for some of us to simply breathe. It may feel confusing and overwhelming, as it absolutely should. To empower ourselves is a heavy task, but also a liberating one. Once we truly realize that we have the ability to alter our own situations, and that things are not merely happening to us, we are free.  It will begin to feel like fresh air on a clear Sunday morning, and in that moment we will wake up to an empowered sense of self, ready to move on from a very heavy past. 

Readers, don't forget to make a toast to your intentions this week. Cheers to a productive one. If I continue to keep my sanity through the last stretch before finals and a wonderfully crazy                                                                                            work week, it will be a miracle. 

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Our happiness is not a present someone else holds in his or her hands. Our well-being is not held by another to be given or withheld.  If we reach out and try to force someone to give us what we believe he or she holds, we will be disappointed.
In those moments when we are trying to reach out and force someone to stop our pain and create our joy, if we can find the courage to stop flailing about and instead, stand still and deal with our issues, we will find our happiness. We will see that, all along, our happiness and our well-being has been in our hands.
"God, give me the courage to stand still and deal with my own feelings. God, help me remember that I hold the key to my happiness."

Readers, time and time again I remember that spirituality is a personal relationship-- one that we must nourish and allow to thrive. This relationship with ourself is one of the most important. Lets finish the weekend making ourselves a priority and building our relationship with our higher power.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Soulful Sundays

Sundays are my set-my-intentions, coffee-shop working, affirmation-setting, reflecting, preparing-for-the-week, family-time-spending day.  This Sunday happens to be Easter Sunday and conveniently, the 2nd full day of Passover. So naturally, this blog post happens to be all about positive thinking to set the tone for productive week.


Thursday, April 2, 2015

I'm bacckkkk

Hi readers,
I'd like to start my first post after so long with some #tbts from the last 8 months.

[I've began working in the Corporate office at Sugarfina. Every dream I never had has come true]

[Luxury candy from all around the globe]

[I'm finishing my last semester at Chapman University]


[October 2014 - I turned 22 years old]

[Doing it right at Bottega Louie. Downtown, LA]

[I went to Cabo, San Lucus with my family # familyreunion]

[...and I ended up in Santa Barbara's Funk Zone for Spring Break 2015]

[and along everything I experienced, I ate amazing food and stumbled on lovely quotes]