Saturday, April 11, 2015

Our happiness is not a present someone else holds in his or her hands. Our well-being is not held by another to be given or withheld.  If we reach out and try to force someone to give us what we believe he or she holds, we will be disappointed.
In those moments when we are trying to reach out and force someone to stop our pain and create our joy, if we can find the courage to stop flailing about and instead, stand still and deal with our issues, we will find our happiness. We will see that, all along, our happiness and our well-being has been in our hands.
"God, give me the courage to stand still and deal with my own feelings. God, help me remember that I hold the key to my happiness."

Readers, time and time again I remember that spirituality is a personal relationship-- one that we must nourish and allow to thrive. This relationship with ourself is one of the most important. Lets finish the weekend making ourselves a priority and building our relationship with our higher power.

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