Why is it that I'm called a slut for hooking up with more than five guys in my lifetime, but you?- you should have hooked up with more than five girls by your junior year.
Why is that I'm considered lucky if you text me more than twice a week, but if I text you at all I'm considered clingy?
Why is it that if I hook up with your best friend I'm a slut, and your friend isn't "in the wrong", but if you hook up with mine, I can't be angry with you because it was my "friend's choice"
Why is it completely normal for a guy to touch his genitalia in public, but frowned upon when a girl has a little itch?
Why am I considered an un-loyal girlfriend if I have male friends, but when it comes to you and your female friends, I'm suddenly crazy, jealous, and possessive.
Why do you find a flaw in every other guy after you, but I must be supportive of every girl you move on to?
Why is it that when we play "hard to get" we are playing games, but when we're easy, we're just a "piece of ass"?
Why is it okay for you to judge me before you really know me, but when I pass judgments about you- I'm considered too analytical, and again, crazy!
Why is it that when I'm quiet or shy.. I'm uptight, but when you're quiet, thats all there is to it?
Why is it that you always lie about your past, as if I don't have one and I am incapable of understanding.
Why is it that if I don't dress in skimpy clothes you can't see through to my sex appeal?
Why is it such a far-fetched idea to take things slow, and get to know each other before you jump my bones?
Why can't I be open about my sexual urges-why is that slutty? is it unnatural for me to want sex? but when it comes to you, I have to listen to you go on and on about every possible thing your dick, mouth and fingers are capable of performing?
Why is it dirty if I smoke a cigarette, but completely acceptable and semi-attractive when you smoke one?
Why do I have to be able to listen to all the girls you want to devour, but when it comes to me and guys, its suddenly gross and too hurtful to listen to?
Why are you able to bring up sex topics but when I bring it up, I'm crossing "boundaries" -- that never even existed in the first place?
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