Friday, March 25, 2011

My Bucket List

1. Learn how to ride a bike.
2. Learn how to ride a stick shift car
3. Learn how to speak, read, and write Persian, Hebrew, Arabic, French, German, Italian, and Spanish --fluently.
4. Go sky diving.
5. Go Bungee jumping.
6. Run a mile in under 6 minutes
7. Go para-sailing
8. Go water skiing
9. Learn how to ski and snowboard.. more than just on the bunny slopes!
10. Learn how to skateboard.
11. Get married.
12. Have five children.
13. Travel South America
14. Travel Central America
15. Travel all of the US-- even the midwest
16. Have sex on a plane and on the beach.
17. Travel through Africa, help the unfortunate and go on safaris
18. Study abroad
19. Travel through the Middle East
20. Travel through all of Europe
21. Write and publish a piece of writing.
22. Make my diaries into a book.
23. Fall in love.. again.
24. Go Camping in the nature
25. Go Paint-balling
26. Skinny Dipping
27. Take a road trip
28. Meet Usher, Rachel McAdams, Scarlett Johanson, Pink, The Olsen Twins, Chaning Tatum
29. Open up my own medical practice, and clinic.
30. Train and Run a marathon for a good cause.
31. Live in New York.
32. Ride a camel.
33. Ride an elephant
34. Go to a Zoo- anyy zoo
35. Come in close contact to a monkey
36. Stay out all night.
37. Create a photography portfolio
38. Direct and Produce a documentary
39. Be a matchmaker for at least 3 couples
40. Watch all of Alfred Hitchcock's movies.
41. Own and watch all seasons and episodes of the following:
       Boy Meets World
       One Tree Hill
       The Original Beverly Hills 90210
       Sex and the City
42. Donate my hair
43. Donate blood.
44. Remove every picture that I own on a electronic device(phone, computer, camera, flash drive) and print out hard copies
45. Create scrapbooks of my life from beginning to end and my childrens' lives.
46. Attend a SuperBowl Game
47. Go Rock climbing

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