Sunday, May 1, 2011

Sexual Chemistry
There will always be that one person
that for some odd reason you keep going back to
Other people don't understand, but neither do you
The one you just can't get enough of each time you're with them
Where Lust Precedes Love
Where Naughty foreplay is permitted and insecurities are forbidden

The kind of chemistry that imprints a smile on your face for days,
Leaves you glowing, and others wondering.
The kind of sexual activity that leaves you panting and begging for more..
The one that makes you tingle inside-- at the simple thought of it
The kind of chemistry that dominates your thoughts and controls you until you get what you want

This sexual chemistry brings the creative side out in you,
making you want to do things you never thought you could.
But this sexual chemistry exists in the light of you and that one person
The one where you look across from you and think "Damm, He/She is so Fuc*ing HOT.. a freakin model!"
The one person that no matter how hard you try to control yourself, you just can't resist.  
Windows foggy.."I'll do it anywhere, I just want you now" kind of sexual chemistry 

Eternal. Irresistible. Sweet... That's The Sexual Chemistry that we all feel at one point or another.. if you find that one odd person you find irresistible. sexy. respectful, that makes you tingle inside.. Don't let them go!

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