Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Song of the Day: 
[[[ If I lose Myself - One Republic ]]]

Quote of the Day:
"A lie gets half way around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on." - Unknown

Wedding ready. Party ready. The Beverly Wilshire. 

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Dear PsychoSlut,

I am aware this may barely affect you as you clearly have a cold heart and no emotions, but I guess I’m doing this more for me than for you—as if I’d actually do something for you at this point. 

I want you to know this: I knew the entire time. I knew from the very first time. I knew all six months. I knew every time you looked into my face and lied to me. I knew the night of my birthday. I knew every morning I had to wake up in the same house with you and look at your deceiving face. I knew the morning he woke up on our couch. I knew when all his friends told me. I knew when you put the pressure on my own friends to lie to me for you. And I now know that you did not actually intend on being discrete even though you were in denial. I know that watching me get hurt and be in pain made you feel powerful and like you won. You haven’t. Yes, you took something very special to me and ruined it. But you haven’t won. 

I have felt like you fucked me over this entire time, but I woke up with clarity and realized that in fact you have fucked yourself over so much harder. It saddens me to think you haven’t realized it. Your denial doesn’t make the reality of your actions any less deceitful.  The beauty in all of this is that I get closure, and I get to eventually come to peace with this. But the thing is, you will have to live with this forever. You will have to wake up and go to sleep to the thought that you lied to me day in and day out for months on end. You will know that I actually opened up to you and allowed myself to be vulnerable around you and you took advantage of my feelings and stabbed me with them. You will have to live with the fact that one of the only people in your life, who believed in you, took you in, and motivated you has been scarred by you. That’s what you’ll be remembered for. You’ll be remembered for your toxic aura, for the lies you told to make him believe I’m the crazy one, being the reason why I can’t trust, betrayal, burning an apartment down, and having absolutely no shame, consciousness, or guilt.

The only thing I hate about myself is that I feel such anger towards someone, because I’m not that type of person. I don’t like to feel hatred at my core for anyone, but you don’t deserve any more than that.  I get to wake up and go to bed each night knowing that I treated the entire situation with maturity and grace. I get to smile at the fact that I’m not the one that needs to worry about paying you back or teaching you a lesson because the karma you deserve is far greater than anything I would be capable of achieving. You’ll get what you deserve, I’m as sure of that, as I was that you were sleeping with him. 

The one you didn’t fool

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Random Tid-Bits of the Day

Quote(s) of the Day: 
"The saddest thing about betrayal is that it never comes from your enemies." - Unknown

"Your mission: be so busy loving your life you have no time for hate, regret, or fear."

Look of the Day:

Song of the Day:
{{{ Love The Way You Lie - Skylar Grey }}}

Snack of the Day:
--- Roman Style Artichokes ---

Thanks to Martha Stewart Living the recipe is attached to the link below:

Favv smile of the Day: 

Friday, May 17, 2013

The End of a Week. The Beginning of a Weekend.

Quote(s) of the Day: 
"What you do makes a difference , and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make." - Jane Goodall

"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remain as your legacy." - Kalu Ndukwe Kalu

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Song of the Day: 
[[[ Heartbeat - The Fray ]]]

Quote of the Day: 
"When we love, we always strive to become better than we are.  When we strive to become better than we are everything around us becomes better too." - Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist
(I have yet to read The Alchemist, but it is on my book list!)

Monday, May 13, 2013

Quote of the Day: 
Smile of the Day: 

Style of the Day:

Motto of the Week:

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Accidentally Tainted. Clutching Love. Seriously Shattered. Penetrating Passion.

Quote of the Day:
"Its like screaming but no one could hear. You almost feel ashamed that someone could be that important; that without them you feel like nothing. No one will ever understand how much it hurts. You feel hopeless, like nothing can save you. And when its over and its gone you almost wish that you can have all that bad stuff back so that you can have the good." - Rihanna

Attention LIBRAS:
Like an old pair of jeans, a certain once-special relationship has become tattered and worn. It's no longer sharply creased and stunningly new. But just like that old pair of jeans, this relationship offers you comfort like nothing else. You may be feeling bored with this individual, or you may be feeling as though you have grown apart, but this is an exceptionally close relationship, or it once was. If you can devote some more time and attention to it, and embrace how important it has been for you, you can renew it and get even more out of it.

Song of the Day: 
[[[ The Diary of Jane - Breaking Benjamin ]]]

Friday, May 3, 2013

Its finally Friday readers! What are you going to do with the rest of your weekend?! Will you try three new things? Soak in some vitamin-D with the sun? Will you mope around about your latest stressor? Shop? Meet up with an old friend? Have a picnic with that special someone? Each day is a new day that you have the power to make your own-- what will you do with it?

Song of the Day:

{{ I choose u - Timeflies }}

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Happy May readers!!
I know, I know! I can't believe its already May! I honestly can't even believe March has actually ended for well over a month!

So, since March I've been working at 
Le Reve Organic Spa & Boutique as a Spa Coordinator, and I've never been so happy at a job! Not only do I love the serene environment, but I enjoy working with the staff, and I couldn't ask for a better manager /owner. I have already learned so much from GOING GREEN to spa etiquette, to everything about our organic products. I love everything out spa stands for, and nothing is like not wanting to leave work!

I occasionally write for their blog and I wanted to share my latest blog post with you! 

{Happy May Everyone! 

Spa coordinator, Chantalle here to tell you about my favorite piece of jewelry this week!
[Athena Geode Necklace]

This organically beautiful pendant is created from slices of geode edged in gold. Not only does this make an amazing Mother's Day or Birthday gift, but it also makes a great gift to yourself! With the summer right around the corner, we are all spending more time outdoors-- what's a better way to spunk up your style and show it off, other than having a beautiful gem accompanying your outgoing outfit!
Someone once said, the only statement an outfit can make is what its accessories say for it.

Come in to take a look at the gorgeous jewels we carry! Be prepared, you might be tempted to enjoy one of our amazing spa services as well- but who says that's a bad thing?! There's nothing like indulging in the finer things in life :)

Come into Le Reve and experience the peaceful environment and stunning products, it will allow you to spoil yourself!

So remember ladies, be fabulous and accessorize with that perfect piece of jewelry!

We are located at 21 West Gutierrez St. Santa Barbara, CA 93101.You can also check us out online at http://www.le-reve.com/ where you can browse our online store or give us a call at (805) 564 2977.

Xo Chantalle, Spa Coordinator with Le Reve Organic Spa & Boutique}

If you liked that, here's a link to a previous blog post:

So along with being an avid reader for my blog, follow Le Reve and you can read my blog posts there as well!