Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Accidentally Tainted. Clutching Love. Seriously Shattered. Penetrating Passion.

Quote of the Day:
"Its like screaming but no one could hear. You almost feel ashamed that someone could be that important; that without them you feel like nothing. No one will ever understand how much it hurts. You feel hopeless, like nothing can save you. And when its over and its gone you almost wish that you can have all that bad stuff back so that you can have the good." - Rihanna

Attention LIBRAS:
Like an old pair of jeans, a certain once-special relationship has become tattered and worn. It's no longer sharply creased and stunningly new. But just like that old pair of jeans, this relationship offers you comfort like nothing else. You may be feeling bored with this individual, or you may be feeling as though you have grown apart, but this is an exceptionally close relationship, or it once was. If you can devote some more time and attention to it, and embrace how important it has been for you, you can renew it and get even more out of it.

Song of the Day: 
[[[ The Diary of Jane - Breaking Benjamin ]]]

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