New people come into our lives every day; sometimes we run into the old, but each person that crosses our path teaches us something new about ourselves and the world we live in. Some of these people have an easier time breaking our walls down and entering our hearts, minds and lives; while we are able to detect red flags in others far quicker.
At the end of the day, I've learned that regardless of the people who find their way into our lives, we can only trust and depend on ourselves. When all else fails, we must grow strong for ourselves. We can only truly believe that we don't have alternative motives as we will innately do whatever it takes to keep ourselves afloat. Take a moment on Hump Day to inhale the good, exhale the bad and trust yourself. Trust that you will take care of yourself, that you will make healthy decisions, at least for the rest of this week, and that you will ultimately love yourself first so that at the end of the day you can depend on yourself if nobody else.
"Wanting to be someone else is a waste of the person you are." - unknown
For all you LIBRAS out there:
There is something about yourself that you don't like. It may be your current state of physical fitness. It may be a bad habit. It could be the way you behave in a specific relationship. It might be a lack of assertiveness, or too much aggression. It could be anything. But it's on your mind because you are on a quest toward self-improvement. and changing whatever is on your mind is your key to reaching a higher level, and fulfilling your place here on earth. This is an excellent time to begin addressing this and any other flaws you wish to improve. The cosmos is sending special healing energy your way.