Saturday, August 31, 2013

So I officially got through Week 1 at Chapman, and I must say it was a blast! I've met so many new people and I'm definitely beginning to adapt to a new pace of things! It is really nice to see familiar faces in a completely new place as well!

I didn't get a chance to post my Friday Favorites this week but I will post a few of my favvs from the week!

Favorite TV scene:
So You Think You Can Dance: Skinny Love - Birdy

Favorite Throwback:
Mr. & Mrs. Smith
Oh Brad and Angelina...!
This scene captivates me each ad every single time!

Favorite Quote: 
"I've come to believe that caring for myself is not self-indulgent. Caring for myself is an act of survival." - Audre Lorde

Favorite Styles: 

I love when men are able to rock the cardigan look. I find it to look chic and casual at the same time. Definitely one of my favorite looks!
This Boho chic style can't possibly look any better!
 I love everything about this look--even the splash of country!

Monday, August 26, 2013

Chapman Day 1

So I have officially been back in the LA area for a week now, and have gotten the chance to get settled in and acclimated to what was once very familiar! Today was my first day at Chapman University and I couldn't imagine myself anywhere else! The moment I got to Chapman on Thursday morning for my orientation, I knew that I am where I am meant to be! The people go out of their way to be nice, the campus is absolutely gorgeous, and the hour and a half drive is worth it! Mondays are my longest and busiest days, but the madness of this Monday wasn't too bad! I met new people in all of my classes: French, Food Science, and Chemistry and learned new things about each of my professors! Chapman definitely feels like an entirely new and different world than SB, and I'm ready to take it in with open arms!! :)


Sunday, August 18, 2013

Tonight is my last night in Santa Barbara, and after 3 very crazy and amazing years I have to say goodbye to this chapter of my life. I am moving back to LA, which should be one of the easier transitions in my life; however it is still a change. Even though LA is home, I've had another place I've called home for the better part of three years and I can't help but remember that there was a reason I left LA to begin with. I know that I am going back to a city and not a time in that city, so aspects of my life will be far different than they were when I was in high school and that this will be an entire new adventure! I am excited, nervous, scared and ready to tackle all this new-ness all at once.
Personally I find reading peaceful quotes or insightful messages very helpful to get me through the tougher times and challenging moments, or even to help keep me focused on my intention for each day.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

You can always count on HUMP DAY

New people come into our lives every day; sometimes we run into the old, but each person that crosses our path teaches us something new about ourselves and the world we live in.  Some of these people have an easier time breaking our walls down and entering our hearts, minds and lives; while we are able to detect red flags in others far quicker.
At the end of the day, I've learned that regardless of the people who find their way into our lives, we can only trust and depend on ourselves.  When all else fails, we must grow strong for ourselves. We can only truly believe that we don't have alternative motives as we will innately do whatever it takes to keep ourselves afloat. Take a moment on Hump Day to inhale the good, exhale the bad and trust yourself.  Trust that you will take care of yourself, that you will make healthy decisions, at least for the rest of this week, and that you will ultimately love yourself first so that at the end of the day you can depend on yourself if nobody else. 

"Wanting to be someone else is a waste of the person you are." - unknown

For all you LIBRAS out there:
There is something about yourself that you don't like. It may be your current state of physical fitness. It may be a bad habit. It could be the way you behave in a specific relationship. It might be a lack of assertiveness, or too much aggression.  It could be anything. But it's on your mind because you are on a quest toward self-improvement. and changing whatever is on your mind is your key to reaching a higher level, and fulfilling your place here on earth. This is an excellent time to begin addressing this and any other flaws you wish to improve.  The cosmos is sending special healing energy your way.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Monday, August 5, 2013

The Only Place you Have to Live in

10 ways to take care of ourselves this week: 

  • Eat nutrient rich foods: Brain foods, Skin foods, Gut foods
  • Get more sleep
  • Snack healthy and often
  • Reduce your stress by creating coping mechanisms 
  • Drink less alcohol, and more water
  • Exercise outdoors 
  • Insert an entire skin regimen twice a day to your daily schedule: Cleanse, Masque, Toner, Serum, Moisturizer
  • Meditate.. this does not have to be a silent meditation.. just take at least 20 minutes for yourself each day to reflect and be grateful
  • Take your supplements
  • Be aware of your posture; have good posture
I always feel like when I set my intentions at the start of a week to take care of myself, I am usually more aware of my choices and therefore my decisions! When I spend some time to reflect on the last week, I am able to realize which area of my life I need to pay more attention to in order to improve this week.  Of course, I will try my best to incorporate all 10 of the above aspects into my life daily but I will put more energy into being aware of my posture this week. 

What are your intentions for the week? We can all improve something, what are you wanting to work on?!

Friday, August 2, 2013

Friday Favorites

Favorite Trailer:
Ashton Kutcher as Steve Jobs, coming out on August 16th! 
Favorite Song:
[[[ Holy Grail - Jay Z ft. Justin Timberlake ]]]

Favorite Quote:
"When the world quiets down to the sound of your own breathing, we all want the same things: comfort, love and a peaceful heart."

Favorite Men's Style:

Favorite Smile: