Sunday, August 18, 2013

Tonight is my last night in Santa Barbara, and after 3 very crazy and amazing years I have to say goodbye to this chapter of my life. I am moving back to LA, which should be one of the easier transitions in my life; however it is still a change. Even though LA is home, I've had another place I've called home for the better part of three years and I can't help but remember that there was a reason I left LA to begin with. I know that I am going back to a city and not a time in that city, so aspects of my life will be far different than they were when I was in high school and that this will be an entire new adventure! I am excited, nervous, scared and ready to tackle all this new-ness all at once.
Personally I find reading peaceful quotes or insightful messages very helpful to get me through the tougher times and challenging moments, or even to help keep me focused on my intention for each day.

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