Thursday, April 28, 2011

In theory, we all love ourselves. We say we come first-before other's needs, before those horny assholes who just want sex; we repeat all of this to convince ourselves that we really love ourselves. But why don't we act like it?
Why do we have sex with people week after week looking for acceptance from them, when they care nothing more about us than getting off? .. -that's not love for ourselves or our bodies.
Why do we spend hours and hours in front of the TV ingesting fats and oils and always fail to go to the gym when we say we will?..- that's not love for ourselves or our bodies.
Why do we build walls up and keep affection out as if we don't deserve to be adored or treated right?.. - that's not love for ourselves or our heart.
Why do we immerse ourselves in everybody else's problems but forget to listen to our own issues?..- that's not love for ourselves or our mind.
Why do we make time to do favors for everyone else, to help others out, but completely neglect making time for ourselves?.. that's not love.
Why do we stand in front of the mirror in self-hatred and self-doubt?...that's not love for ourselves, our bodies, or our soul.. and furthermore.. why don't we do something about it, if we aren't happy with the way we look?..
Do we really love ourselves? Or do we like to think we do?
Loving yourself does not mean being perfectly happy with every aspect of your existence; it means accepting who you are, and daily, working towards being someone better.

So Remember:
*Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants, and eat less food that is manufactured in plants.
*Say NO when you mean NO!
*Live with the 3 Es... Energy, Enthusiasm, and Empathy.
*Make time to pray.
*Take a 10-30 minute walk daily- and when you walk, smile!
*Don't have negative thoughts of things you cannot control. Instead, invest your energy in the positive present moment.
*Get rid of anything that is not useful, beautiful, or joyful.
*No matter how you feel, get up, dress up, and show up!
*When you awake alive in the morning, thank God for it.
*Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day.
*Look in the mirror and compliment yourself at least once each day.
*Write. Reflect.

Love yourself. Come to peace with who you presently are, and strive for better each day. Wake up. Smile. Find Purpose. Smile. Sleep. Repeat.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Bizarre bits of the week:

How are you going to hook up with her, then delete her off Facebook the next day, pretending like you never knew her? - are you that embarrassed of a decision you made and that cowardly to deal with it ?

How are you going to text her 7 times in a row-in the span of two days- not one response.. and STILL ask if she wants you to delete her number- can't you catch a hint? really?!

Why are you going to add me on BBM  as if we talk? The sad part is, I'm stuck both ways- If I "Decline" your request you are going to talk shit, as if I did something sinful.  If I "Accept" your request you will just take up an unwanted spot of my contacts list and pry into my personal life.

We live in an age with overwhelming amounts of technology, and an abundance of resources.. why do you call me and ASK ME EVERY SINGLE QUESTION YOU HAVE? I am NOT an encyclopedia, nor am I an almanac, GPS, or a dictionary. It takes two minutes to look in up on Google.. why go out of your way to call me and ask me?!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Quote of the Day

"We are all like dominoes. 
I fall for you, you fall for another...."

Monday, April 18, 2011

Friday, April 15, 2011

"For the dead and the living, we must bear witness."

Holocaust Survivor, Sigi Hart

March of The Living. Auschwitz, Poland
Sigi Hart walking the same steps of the death camp he managed to survive

"We must all stand for something, or we'll fall for anything."

Sigi Hart, a grandfather to all.

.. still fighting, battling death, daily.

Rest In Peace Sigi Hart. You will be forever remembered. Your story will live on for years to come. Your spirit will continue to inspire many. 

Death, in forms of Murder. Old Age. Illness. Suicide. Homicide. Nuclear Weapons.  etc..
Death is a strange concept leaving us wondering "Why?" dragging us down a painful path of missed memories.
We all have different beliefs regarding afterlife.. Are we reincarnated? Do our souls live on? Do we just rot in the Earth?
It always comes in various forms of sad news, and never at "the right time"
It is a heart-wrenching feeling. At times it feels surreal.  We never want to believe it, we can't begin to grasp the idea that our loved one is no longer with us.. that they have "passed." We cannot begin to understand, or even fathom the reality of it.
We reminisce annually, but the memories we hold on to aren't enough,
and in between we have countless waking nights, and overwhelming moments in thought of them.
Death. Apart of life. A shared experience by all.
Death. It is beyond us all. Its a strange concept.
The most far-fetched concept hitting so close to home.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Don't Feed the Monster...

Dear Diary.. Please...

 .. the path to Enlightenment.

.. find the beauty within you.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Average Everyday Sane Psycho Supergoddess

Who are you?
Who am I?
What sets us apart from the rest of the world?
What are you recognized for?
Do we ask ourselves these questions, or do we turn to the closest people in our lives-
do we look to our best friends and mommys for these answers?

I am an old soul. I am 18, but an old soul.
My "super power" is that I love deeply, genuinely, purely.
I want to find the good in everyone and at first, I tend to trust all.
I am the ultimate multi-tasker. Not only will I be on the phone, watch TV, and stalk people
on Facebook, but I will also convince myself that I am doing homework all the while being sucked in by the technological world. 

What about my future?
What do I want to be? What path do I want to take?
How do I decide? How do I know what the "right" decision is?
At what standard must we live?- and how do we know if we will ever amount to anything?

Do we choose based on financial status in our future? How much schooling we want to go through? Or do we simply push all those thoughts out of our minds and do what we have a passion for? 
Do we undergo days of Adderall, all nighters studying, and boring Saturday nights to attend NYU Med school  - to carry that prestige, to be assured of financial stability? or do we immerse ourselves in writing and fashion because at the bottom of our hearts thats our calling?
In the end, at what standard do we want to live up to? Making millions of dollars writing for Vogue, and planning events for high industry names or do we make millions of dollars being on-call, giving birth to babies for the rest of our lives? 
Which life path amounts to more? The one that would make me happy- or the one that brings me social approval? 

In the end, does it really matter? As long as we do something with our lives, does it make a difference what we do?
How do we know? How do we make that critical decision in our lives? Do we turn to others- for social approval and answers? Or do we look within ourselves, our own passions and simply diminish the other doubts soaring through our minds?

At what point does it get too late to decide? When does it start to become "the end" ?

Who are you? 
Whats your purpose in this world?

Are you an Average, Everyday, Sane and Psycho SUPERGoddess?