Friday, April 15, 2011

"For the dead and the living, we must bear witness."

Holocaust Survivor, Sigi Hart

March of The Living. Auschwitz, Poland
Sigi Hart walking the same steps of the death camp he managed to survive

"We must all stand for something, or we'll fall for anything."

Sigi Hart, a grandfather to all.

.. still fighting, battling death, daily.

Rest In Peace Sigi Hart. You will be forever remembered. Your story will live on for years to come. Your spirit will continue to inspire many. 

Death, in forms of Murder. Old Age. Illness. Suicide. Homicide. Nuclear Weapons.  etc..
Death is a strange concept leaving us wondering "Why?" dragging us down a painful path of missed memories.
We all have different beliefs regarding afterlife.. Are we reincarnated? Do our souls live on? Do we just rot in the Earth?
It always comes in various forms of sad news, and never at "the right time"
It is a heart-wrenching feeling. At times it feels surreal.  We never want to believe it, we can't begin to grasp the idea that our loved one is no longer with us.. that they have "passed." We cannot begin to understand, or even fathom the reality of it.
We reminisce annually, but the memories we hold on to aren't enough,
and in between we have countless waking nights, and overwhelming moments in thought of them.
Death. Apart of life. A shared experience by all.
Death. It is beyond us all. Its a strange concept.
The most far-fetched concept hitting so close to home.

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